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Anies VS Prabowo VS Ganjar - Epic Rap Battles Of Presidency 2024

Directed and Edited by Chandraliow. Produced by Andovi da Lopez & Jovial da Lopez & Chandraliow. Music Composed by MystDeisanto
Pemilu 2024 siapa yang menang? Kalian yang tentukan! 14 Februari 2024! #AniesVsPrabowoVsGanjar #EpicRapBattlesOfPresidency #2024

This video's format is inspired by Nice Peter and epicLLOYD from the Epic Rap Battles of History Series

We recognize completely that this format is theirs and we are merely using this format as a medium in which we as YouTubers can share the story of the upcoming elections in Indonesia. We mean no violations of intellectual property and we are merely doing this for entertainment purposes. Thank you very much to the guys who do the original show.
And as for the video itself, this is a fun video, not to be taken seriously by anyone, particularly, Indonesians.
Please enjoy and may we have an amazing election process on the 14th of February 2024.
This is by no means a political campaign of any sort.

This has been a Da Lopez Entertainment X Tim2one Productions X Dewatlantis Studios in association with IGNI Entertainment.

Thank you RONI, siapapun pilihanmu, urusan makaroni #Pilih RONI.

jangan lupa cek fakta masing masing kandidat di website Bijak Memilih.

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