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I Bought The First 5 Things I Saw on TikTok Live

HELLO FRIENDS!! And welcome to another video… as you guys know, I am a serial online shopper. And a little while ago, I started noticing a LOT of QVC-esque shopping livestreams on my TikTok for you page…. Wigs, crystal scoops, and athleisure galore!! So I decided to investigate to see what it was actually like to participate in these shopping livestreams, if the products they were selling are any good, and also maybe try and figure out why there are so many damn shopping livestreams seemingly everywhere nowadays. What do you guys think? Who wants a mysterious wig of mysterious origin?

Check out our merch shop here!!

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Via AudioNetwork

Executive Producers: Safiya Nygaard & Tyler Williams
Managing Producer: Lona Smith
Junior Associate Producer: Ishara Mathews
Editor: Andrew Lainhart
Editor: Mandy Padgett
Editor: Leslie Alcantar
Graphic Designer: Dayana Espinoza

00:00 Intro
2:15 Halara Pants Livestream
5:32 Windsor Dress Livestream
8:00 Highland Crystal Mystery Scoop Livestream
11:24 Colorful Sheep Crochet Livestream
13:32 Lovely Wig Livestream
15:58 Halara Pants Unboxing
17:40 Windsor Dress Unboxing
19:00 Highland Crystals Unboxing
20:36 Colorful Sheep Unboxing
22:04 Lovely Wig Unboxing
24:58 Why Is This Happening??

#tiktok #live #haul #shopping

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